when i first began preparing to homeschool two summers ago, i spent several days with my dear friend beth in wisconson, already several years into her homeschooling journey. she was so patient with me, answering all of my questions about record-keeping, curriculum-choosing, planning, the daily schedule, supplies, classroom set-up, etc. it was the most valuable time, and though overwhelming, it took quite a bit of the fear away. being super-organized is an entirely new way of life for me, but this is what i'm doing so far to stay on top of the paper piles...


the kids each have a large binder (brown linen, 1" binders from here, pictured above). heron's has the following tabs (shepherd and per have fewer categories; per's is pretty much just ART!) :

  • LANGUAGE ARTS, with sub-tabs 
    • COPYWORK - any loose-leaf copywork completed on lined paper goes in here
    • CORRESPONDENCE - (from friday's mail day) sheet protectors, each with one letter they've received, and a color photocopy of the letter they wrote in return (mostly pictures so far, unless they narrate to me)
    • READING COMPREHENSION / NARRATION - most narration i take is in separate notebooks (one entire history notebook, and a general narration notebook for our weekly studies--poetry/literature + artists/composers + geography + natural science), but anything else on loose-leaf is filed here
    • MEMORY WORK : a list of verses, passages, poems, or other information we've memorized
    • READING - i keep three lists here : one for Heron's books she reads on her own, one for our family read-alouds, and one for the audiobooks we listen to
  • MATH - there are no workbooks in montessori math, only worksheets to record answers worked out with manipulative materials, such as the golden beads. all of these sheets are kept here.
  • NATURAL SCIENCE - two lists : one of all of our nature outings, and another with all of our nature journaling activities (actual entries are kept in their watercolor nature notebooks)
  • ART / MUSIC - four lists : composers we've studied, artists we've studied, a list of drawing exercises completed with josh from drawing with children, and handicraft lessons/projects we've started/completed

loose-leaf work from the kids throughout the week gets placed in our "completed work" bin in the classroom. every friday during my lesson-planning time i sort through this bin and file their work into their binders. at the end of each year i transfer all their work into a bigger binder (the 2"  linen ones from here). we don't have a ton of loose-leaf work to file since much of their work is in separate notebooks. each child also has a folder where i place any work/worksheets for the week at hand. these sit permanently in my basket of school books that i tote around from room to room throughout the day as we do school. i print out or photocopy any of these items during my friday lesson-planning time, and put it in their folder for the following week. this eliminates last-minute, day-of running around like a chicken with my head cut off!



i work out of two binders--a mini-sized one for household-related items (this half-page binder, pictured above), and a larger one for school-related (1" linen, like the kids'). 

my household binder has the following tabs + blank notebook pages (adapted from jessie wise's binder in a well-trained mind) :

  • DAILY PLAN (family activities for the day + projects), a daily "to-do". i make a to-do list here everyday. anything that doesn't get accomplished one day gets placed on the next day's page. i have one page per day for the week ahead. 
  • TO BUY : things i need to remember to order or run out and purchase. i make every effort to order online! i minimize errands as much as possible; they can be such a distraction to our days!
  • ERRANDS : the inevitable...i will keep a list, consolidate them and run out every other wednesday afternoon with per while josh teaches drawing to heron and shepherd.
  • JOSH (to do / to tell). even though he just works in the studio in our backyard, we try not to interrupt each other during the day. i jot down things i need to remember to share with him!
  • BOOKS : a running book list. anytime i see reference made to a book that seems interesting, i make a note of it here to borrow, buy, or place on hold from the library.
  • GIFTS : a list of gift ideas for family and friends so that birthdays & christmas don't catch me off guard!
  • MEALS : a list of the family's favorite meals that i can pull from when i need an easy go-to that will be sure to please
  • BLOG : blog post ideas, notes
  • HOUSE / BUSINESS : household info (printer model #, printer ink type, dimensions of various things (like our big farm table, for which i am always on the lookout for linens), etc., and business (phone numbers, account numbers, social security numbers for the family, contacts, a sleeve to hold business cards), etc.
  • NOTES : a catch-all for anything else

at the front of my school binder is our weekly schedule, a master chore chart for each of the kids, our general meal plan for the week (i glance at this to make our specific meal plan each week), and a list of snack ideas for heron to prepare for our morning snack time. then i have the following tabs :

  • SCHEDULE : a tabbed calendar (i found one at staples by franklin covey, or you can print one out), schedule notes i made when i first created our master schedule. i refer back to this often when i find myself needing to tweak things. it also contains my worksheets i made while making my yearly plan with Managers of their Homes.
  • CURRICULUM INSPIRATION : notes i've taken regarding charlotte mason homeschooling, print-outs from helpful blogs or other online resources (ambleside online, etc.), notes for order of activities with montessori math, etc.
  • MASTERS : in sheet protectors, masters of sheets/worksheets i regularly need to photocopy.
  • NOTES : looks like i have plenty of notes under "curriculum inspiration", but i guess i am always needing more places to take notes!

i also have a lesson planner that i fill out every week (some lessons are planned for the entire year ahead, but written in pencil) on friday, during my lesson planning time, for the week ahead. i make changes & notes as we go along, so that this can also be a record of what we actually did, too.